Resources to learn frontend development
This are some of the best resources that I found to be amazing for beginners like me to learn frontend development. is one of my favorite find . There learning patterns are divided into two parts . 1st part is level zero - where we learn from basic of Html , Css ,Javascript , ReactJs , git , github and web hosting . Level zero is absolutely free . After copleting level zero you can attend level one. Which is route to become a FullStack Developer.w3schools
wschools is website where we can learn html , css , javascript , react , json , ajax , php , bootstrap , python , sql , sass and many more things with detailed knowledge in written form. They also have there editor to try code snippets . W3Schools also provides certification on completion of course .MDN web Docs
MDN Web Docs is a website where we can find all things which we want to learn . We can learn here basic Web development . how to make responsive and fast to load websites . Client-side frameworks , testing tools , git also server-side programing . This site is the one who container all the documentation about the things which requires in web development .freecodecamp
freecodecamp is a developer community where they provide over 3000+ hours of learning contents about web developments . They provide video as well as text contents to practice . They also have there own certification courses for free. We just have to complete our project and submit on there website and that's how we learn for free and also gain experience by creating new projects.codecademy
This is also one of my free resource where we can learn html , css , javascript and frameworks for free with there courses . We can also learn languages like python , java , php for frontend and sql like backend languages . They provides there resources though blogs , articles , projects . They also provide paid contents for learning.codecademy
Geeks for geeks is a website where can find out all the resources we need to learn web development from scratch . There contents are in form of text so have to read it. also they provide there IDE to run code snippets . Also they provides puzzles , project ideas , interview preparation and many more things. We can also apply for job through there portal and if we like so we can polish our other skill set with help of there other courses.Youtube
This is everyone's favorite site . Also yours . Here we can find every thing about web development , web designing , UI/UX , frameworks , how web works , how server works , how to host websites on AWS or clouds . Every thing we can learn here.
Thank You